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Hello everyone, since pollution is fast becoming a case worth worrying as our world evolves technology-wise, it has become a common thing for people to attempt to learn more about it so as to be able to do their part in overcoming the problem. Before you attempt to do anything about pollution however, allow me to answer a few questions for you. Each of these questions will answered in separate posts as I try to write a detailed answer for them.
The Earth Is Dying! Source: buzzle.com |
- What Is Pollution?
- What are the Types Of Pollution?
- What are the Causes of Pollution?
- How to prevent Pollution?
- Why you must Go Green?
The term "pollution" is derived from a Latin word "polluere" which means 'to defile'. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes an adverse effect to it. It is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of our air, water or land that in in turn results in harming the lives humans along with flora and fauna. For other species beside humans, pollution damages their habitat whilst for humans, pollution affects our industrial processes, living conditions and cultural assests.
Pollution is generally created by human actions but there are cases of it occurring due to natural disasters as well. To learn more about the many types of pollution of that harms the Earth's environment please follow my upcoming posts. Till then, byebye!
- http://malaysia.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110214045101AA6v1bO
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution#cite_note-1
Note: Definition for specific terms are based on public sources such as Wikipedia and free online dictionaries. The sources are purposely not listed in references so as to save space.
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